124 research outputs found

    Irrigation Water Quality—A Contemporary Perspective

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    In the race to enhance agricultural productivity, irrigation will become more dependent on poorly characterized and virtually unmonitored sources of water. Increased use of irrigation water has led to impaired water and soil quality in many areas. Historically, soil salinization and reduced crop productivity have been the primary focus of irrigation water quality. Recently, there is increasing evidence for the occurrence of geogenic contaminants in water. The appearance of trace elements and an increase in the use of wastewater has highlighted the vulnerability and complexities of the composition of irrigation water and its role in ensuring proper crop growth, and long-term food quality. Analytical capabilities of measuring vanishingly small concentrations of biologically-active organic contaminants, including steroid hormones, plasticizers, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, in a variety of irrigation water sources provide the means to evaluate uptake and occurrence in crops but do not resolve questions related to food safety or human health effects. Natural and synthetic nanoparticles are now known to occur in many water sources, potentially altering plant growth and food standard. The rapidly changing quality of irrigation water urgently needs closer attention to understand and predict long-term effects on soils and food crops in an increasingly fresh-water stressed world

    Irrigation Water Quality—A Contemporary Perspective

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    In the race to enhance agricultural productivity, irrigation will become more dependent on poorly characterized and virtually unmonitored sources of water. Increased use of irrigation water has led to impaired water and soil quality in many areas. Historically, soil salinization and reduced crop productivity have been the primary focus of irrigation water quality. Recently, there is increasing evidence for the occurrence of geogenic contaminants in water. The appearance of trace elements and an increase in the use of wastewater has highlighted the vulnerability and complexities of the composition of irrigation water and its role in ensuring proper crop growth, and long-term food quality. Analytical capabilities of measuring vanishingly small concentrations of biologically-active organic contaminants, including steroid hormones, plasticizers, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, in a variety of irrigation water sources provide the means to evaluate uptake and occurrence in crops but do not resolve questions related to food safety or human health effects. Natural and synthetic nanoparticles are now known to occur in many water sources, potentially altering plant growth and food standard. The rapidly changing quality of irrigation water urgently needs closer attention to understand and predict long-term effects on soils and food crops in an increasingly fresh-water stressed world

    Automated Deductive Content Analysis of Text: A Deep Contrastive and Active Learning Based Approach

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    Content analysis traditionally involves human coders manually combing through text documents to search for relevant concepts and categories. However, this approach is time-intensive and not scalable, particularly for secondary data like social media content, news articles, or corporate reports. To address this problem, the paper presents an automated framework called Automated Deductive Content Analysis of Text (ADCAT) that uses deep learning-based semantic techniques, ontology of validated construct measures, large language model, human-in-the-loop disambiguation, and a novel augmentation-based weighted contrastive learning approach for improved language representations, to build a scalable approach for deductive content analysis. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach to identify firm innovation strategies from their 10-K reports to obtain inferences reasonably close to human coding

    Insights on heterogeneity in blinking mechanisms and non-ergodicity using sub-ensemble statistical analysis of single quantum-dots

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    Photo-luminescence intermittency (blinking) in semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs), a phenomenon ubiquitous to single-emitters, is generally considered to be temporally random intensity fluctuations between bright (On) and dark (Off) states. However, individual quantum-dots (QDs) rarely exhibit such telegraphic signal, and yet, the vast majority of single-NC blinking data are analyzed using a single fixed threshold, which generates binary trajectories. Further, blinking dynamics can vary dramatically over NCs in the ensemble, and it is unclear whether the exponents (m) of single-particle On-/Off-time distributions (P(t)-On/Off), which are used to validate mechanistic models of blinking, are narrowly distributed or not. Here, we sub-classify an ensemble based on the emissivity of QDs, and subsequently compare the (sub)ensemble behaviors. To achieve this, we analyzed a large number (>1000) of intensity trajectories for a model system, Mn+2 doped ZnCdS QDs, which exhibits diverse blinking dynamics. An intensity histogram dependent thresholding method allowed us to construct distributions of relevant blinking parameters (such as m). Interestingly, we find that single QD P(t)-On/Off s follow either truncated power law or power law, and their relative proportion vary over sub-populations. Our results reveal a remarkable variation in m(On/Off) amongst as well as within sub-ensembles, which implies multiple blinking mechanisms being operational among various QDs. We further show that the m(On/Off) obtained via cumulative single-particle P(t)-On/Off is clearly distinct from the weighted mean value of all single-particle m(On/Off), an evidence for the lack of ergodicity. Thus, investigation and analyses of a large number of QDs, albeit for a limited time-span of few decades, is crucial to characterize possible blinking mechanisms and heterogeneity thereinComment: 29 pages including supporting information (single file), 7 main figures, 10 supporting figures and table

    Ferrihydrite Reduction Increases Arsenic and Uranium Bioavailability in Unsaturated Soil

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    Redox driven mobilization and plant uptake of contaminants under transiently saturated soil conditions need to be clarified to ensure food and water quality across different irrigation systems. We postulate that solid-phase iron reduction in anoxic microsites present in the rhizosphere of unsaturated soil is a key driver for mobilization and bioavailability of contaminants under nonflooded irrigation. To clarify this, two major crops, corn and soybean differing in iron uptake strategies, were grown in irrigated synthetic soil under semiarid conditions with gravimetric moisture content ∼12.5 ± 2.4%. 2-line ferrihydrite, which was coprecipitated with uranium and arsenic, served as the only iron source in soil. Irrespective of crop type, reduced iron was detected in pore water and postexperiment rhizosphere soil confirming ferrihydrite reduction. These results support the presence of localized anoxic microsites in the otherwise aerobic porous bulk soil causing reduction of ferrihydrite and concomitant increase in plant uptake of comobilized contaminants. Our findings indicate that reactive iron minerals undergo reductive dissolution inside anoxic microsites of primarily unsaturated soil, which may have implications on the mobility of trace element contaminants such as arsenic and uranium in irrigated unsaturated soils, accounting for 55% of the irrigated area in the US. Includes supplemental materials